Chocolatey - A must-have on your Windows machine

First of all, I want you to know that I have been a Linux user since 2005 and I’m a great fan of the Linux package manager and specially apt-get. The simplicity and the posibilities of one have to type one command to install the app that you need is a must-have on every environment in my opinion.

I’m aware that there are a lot of users that have a Terminal aprehension, so anything related to open a terminal to type a command are like a sin or illness for them, but I’m not one of them. I’m a pragmatic user.

Since my years on Linux I have to work with Windows machines as well and I miss that feature, so I embrace any project related to bring this capability to Windows. For example I remember the win-get CLI command which latest modification date from 2009 but it doesn’t have the users and the community to be useful.

Because the problem never was the technology to create an utility similar to apt-get, the problem always was the community. This alternative is useful depending on the number of application you can get from there and the speed their repositories get updated.

And a few years later Chocolatey comes. I remember the first time I used Chocolatey was maybe on 2012 or 2013 and I get the same problems I faced when I try win-get. No users, no community and I left this alternatives as an impossible matter on Windows environments. But, a few weeks ago I visit the Chocolatey web page because some tweet I read on my timeline and I see in the first packages some of the tools I’m using on my daily basis like: 7-Zip, Google Chrome, Atom, Visual Studio Code or so.

So, I get interested and I started to fing each of the tools I have installed on my system and I see that almost all of them are in the repositories. And with no deprecrated or old versions, but with newest versions of the softare.

Software like calibre which gets updated almost every week, the repository has its newest version with a admirable speed! So, I decide to embrace the project, and I created my chocolatey script like I had on my Linux machines with my apt-get script. So, this script it’s the first thing I run when I have a new machine or I reset my current windows machine (because as a Windows Insider I try to reset my PC too often).

If you want take a look at my script it is available to everyone on my Github profile: Go!

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